"OMG?! What should I buy first?!"
But even though there are many types of eyeliner, foundation, blush, etc.. don't worry about those just yet. Just head to the mascara section and you'll be ready to jump into the world of makeup =).
Now for a little extra info about yours truly. I started wearing makeup when I was in 7th grade. And all I started with was some simple mascara. It was a lifesaver.
Mascara warms your whole appearance and makes your eyes sparkle too!! In fact, the brand I am currently wearing is called Lash Stiletto Waterproof Mascara and it is by Maybelline. I love this Mascara because of its longer wand and fibers so it makes your lashes look nice and thick. It will also come off nicely with a cleanser/ makeup remover (it doesn't leave any gross residue). Another thing is that it is very reasonable and you can get it almost anywhere (I got mine at Walmart). I think it costs about $4-7....so its very inexpensive which is always a plus =)!! Here is a picture just in case anyone wants to see.

Another type of mascara that I love is L'Oreal Telescopic Explosion in Waterproof Black because instead of having a regular wand..the end of the wand is rounded, which helps you get every lash, even the corners! You can get this at Walmart (and other places) for around the same price as the Lash Stiletto. =) I would be wearing that right now but due my bad organizational skills,I can't seem to locate the mascara :P haha. Below is a picture of Telescopic Explosion Mascara in case anyone wants to check this out as well.
I really recommend these two products to start out your makeup experience or even to add to you beauty product collection. =) If any of you try these, I would love it if you could leave a comment and tell me what you think or if you have any other favorite brand of mascara you recommend. Thx!! =)
Lots of love,
Maddi <3
Sorry about the picture being so big guys lol :P