Hey everybody!!! I have something very exciting for you today! In a previous blog I talked about how I was going to blog about my Ulta Haul and every time I tried something from it (can you believe I'm still trying stuff?? haha) I would blog about the mystery product. If you would like to learn about my last Mystery Product click here and it will take you to the page. But now mystery product number two is not a mystery anymore!!! It is.......my new Tiger Lily blush!!
I am absolutely thrilled with the quality of this blush and the color too. Now, as you may or may not know, I recently blogged about new spring fashion (click here for a link to the blog page). In the blog I talked about how orange and peach makeup is really in style right now. This new blush is the perfect color to be paired with orange lips or any color lip for that matter! :) It is also great to give you a very subtle flush across the cheeks. Today I'm going to talk about the color and give you a complete run down on every other aspect as well. So let's go ahead and jump into it! :)

Okay, so the blush we will be talking about is called Tiger Lily. Tiger Lily is a nice peach color with sort of a rosy finish. Just check out the picture above for an example. Notice sort of a beigey brown undertone. This provides a rosy tan flush across your cheeks which I like a lot. You see, I always strive for a natural look and this is perfect because it's not a heavy red like some blushes are (yuck!). Anyway, I love the subtle color. Another thing is that this blush is mineral blush. So even though it is pressed (for packaging purposes, I think) it still is great for all skin types. Even people with oily skin (I feel your pain) haha. Also, you get a nice even color on your face because of the many particles in the blush itself. If you want to learn more about mineral makeup, here is a link to my blog and here is a link to another website that I learned so much from and helped me personally make the switch to mineral makeup (kudos to the creator of the website!! haha). Okay enough of me raving about makeup types. Lets move on :). On the left is a picture of someone wearing Tiger Lily blush. Notice the nice neutral color that is subtle but still visible. :)
Okay so thats about it! If you are totally sold on this blush, or just want to find out more, go ahead and click here for a link to the Ulta website. I hope that next time you want a new blush you'll check out Tiger Lily Pressed Mineral Blush!!
Feel free to leave me comments below telling me what you think or if you have any questions, you can leave those down below too. I hope you enjoyed this blog and don't forget to click the 'follow' button up in the corner so you can get notified when there's new blog! :) Also, if you want me to follow your blog, leave a comment with the link and I'll be sure to check it out ASAP!!
Lots of love,
Maddi <3
p.s. Make sure you keep watching for the next Mystery Product review blog!! :)
Hey everybody!!! In my last blog I talked a lot about actual outfit trends for the springtime. But an outfit isn't complete without one thing......accessories! Today I'm going to be talking about every accessory trend of the season from purses to scarves to jewelery. I'm really excited about this blog because it's my first accessory blog! Yay!...Okay, so let's go ahead and jump into everything. :)

The first big thing this spring is bracelets. Most of you have this type of bracelet just lying at the bottom of your jewelery box. And if you don't, here is a link to one of my favorite stores that is selling them. If you click on the link, it should bring up one of my favorite bracelets...the American Eagle Beaded Leather Bracelet!! Okay, so the key to having your wristwear (haha... is that even a word?) be in style is to look for leather and a sort of beaded look. Try to stay away to metals like gold and silver and lean toward natural earthy colors like browns and grays. Don't be afraid to wear wild bead colors on your bracelets. :) Over-sized bangles (like the ones in the picture on the right) will do the trick and add a more chic appeal to your outfit.

For the second thing, I am going to talk about something that I am very much obsessed with. haha. And that is....PURSES!!! The first thing you need to do is check out the Vera Bradley website and look at their spring and summer collection, which is just fabulous by the way. If you haven't heard about Vera Bradley purses, then I'll tell you a little bit about them. Vera Bradley is a unique line of purses that come in all different styles and patterns. Trust me, you will fall in love with them. Anyway, just like bracelets, leather is popular in purses as well. In the picture above, that cute brown leather satchel is the perfect example. And on the right is another example of a leather purse. Notice the sleek finish and the orange undertones. Just perfect for springtime! Also this spring, people are trying to downsize with their purses. So if you are one of those people with a lot of stuff in your purse (like me), beware! Haha. The new style is a purse with a long strap and a small body that hangs at your hip. The strap can either hang on your shoulder or go across your body. I prefer either way. They both have a very chic, feminine look.
The final thing, well, two things actually, I'm very excited to tell you about because I have a very strong opinion on these accessories. :) And they are....belts and scarves!! I love belts and scarves and I think that they add so much to an outfit. Okay, for belts, try to look for a slim braided look. If the belt is longer and you are belting in an outfit without belt loops, you can tuck the belt around itself. If you need an example, just look at the middle girl in the picture on the left. :) If you are looking for a less obvious belt, a thin metallic gold belt (like the one that the girl in the white dress is wearing) might do the trick. And gold also goes very well with orange and white.

Now onto scarves. When looking for spring scarves, keep in mind the weather for where you live. Here in New York, it can still be quite cold in the early spring so I personally will look for a thicker scarf. But thats up to you. :) This spring, try for solid colors like oranges, purples, and cream colors (such as the ones in the picture on the left). Make sure the scarf complements your outfit but doesn't really stand out. You still want the color to pop but not be completely out there. Leave that for winter months. haha. The texture that is popular right now is a nice lacy look. Not too thick but not too thin. Perfect for those cool spring days. :) Below is another picture I included to show you guys some fun, cute, and comfortable ways to wear your scarf. I love how in the first picture, she has it as a headband with her hair down. I thought that that was kind of a unique look.
I hope you enjoyed this spring accessories blog or whatever you want to call it. haha. I love talking about the seasons hottest trends and hope to do more fashion blogs. If you would like to see more of these or if your just sick of me talking about outfits :P feel free to leave a comment below and tell me what you think. :) You can also follow me here and get updated when every time I blog (yay! haha). Oh, and I love checking out other peoples blogs so feel free to leave a link to your blog below and I'll try and check it out!!
Much love,
Maddi <3
Hey guys! :) Sorry I haven't posted anything in a long time...but I've been very busy planning for a trip to New York City!!!! I am super excited about that and can't wait to go!
I was just eating dinner a few minutes ago and thought...'oh my gosh! I need to blog!' haha.
Okay, so today I am going to be talking about all of the awesome new spring colors and fashion favorites of the season.
This spring, unlike any other, is filled with the color orange! I'm happy about this because I love, love, love peachy orange lipstick colors. But in the fashion world, things are a little bit brighter. In the picture on the left, there are some models sporting the spring fashion. Most of the orange outfits
are paired with a white article of clothing, which guarantees that your outfit doesn't come across as halloweenish. And I love the skirt that the third girl is wearing . It's a nice tie-dyed sort of look which tones down the extreme orange coloring.
On the right, is a picture of orangish/peach colored lips. You have to be careful when purchasing orange lipstick that you don't get one that is too bright. Notice how in this picture, there are peach undertones. Normally, if you are going for an orange lip look, try to stay away from any orange eyeshadow or even peach blush. When you have a brighter lips, make sure to tone down everything else and use very neutral colors on your eyes and cheeks.
Now for the last thing.... orange nail polish! Nail polish is one of my favorite things ever. Sometimes when I don't feel like using a strong orange lip color, I just take a walk on the wild side and paint my nails bright orange! This is a strong, bold, bright color that is available through many different brand. My personal favorite is the China Glaze nail polish on the right. I also own an Essie nail polish that is a few shades lighter. :)
I hope you guys enjoyed my Spring Colors post and are now inspired to go out and buy some orange! :) I would love it if you could leave comments talking about your favorite spring colors. And it would mean the world to me if you would follow my blog. Thanks everyone for your great support and after I go on my NYC trip I will be sure to take some pictures and blog about it!!
Lots of love,
Maddi <3